Quotation Request
of your sculptureSculptor from Val Gardena - Italy
Wood Carvings - Bronze and Wood on Steel
Sculpture as Tradition
He grew up with the art of wood carving, and had the possibility to handle wood carving tools and watch his father, uncle and grandfather working as sculptors in Ortisei.
Ortisei is the main village in Gardena, known for the art of wood carving, and can look back at a long sculpture tradition.
Accordingly to Wilhelm and Franz Moroder's research Christian Trebinger and Melchior Vinazer were two of the first sculptors in Gardena at the beginning of the 17th century. The dynasty of the Vinazer were indicatory for religios sculpture until the 18th century. Besides sacred art they also manufactured small sculptures. It became more and more common to carve small profane sculptures. Many farmers began to manufacture such sculptures as a part-time option during the winter. They created various religious sculptures and toys.
After the year 1870 bigger sculptures became popular again and the church ordered sculptures as well. The school was not ready for this evolution and the people requested better education and schooling. In 1872 an art school was build in Ortisei thanks to a generous grant by Vienna. Not only locals visited the school, sculptors from other valleys came to the art school as well. Many of them established their own sculpture workshops later on:
- 1872 Josef Rifesser and Josef Runggaldier
- 1875 Stuflesser
- 1876 Leopold Moroder
- 1880 Prinoth
- 1887 Josef Obletter
- 1890 Perathoner, Helmut Perathoner's grandfather
- 1896 Josef Höglinger
Sculptures of saints, whole altars, christmas cribs and numerous other religiuos works were made by sculpture workshops.
Profane Art Wood Sculptures
Additional pictures of wood carvings, bronze and wood on steel are available at www.perathoner.com.
Wood on Steel Art and Bronze Sculptures
Additional pictures of wood carvings, bronze and wood on steel are available at www.perathoner.com.
Sacred Art
Sculptures of saints, lecterns, christs, madonnas and crib figures made out of wood and bronze.
Additional pictures of wood carvings, bronze and wood on steel are available at www.perathoner.com.
Jesus' Baptism Painted in Wood

Additional pictures, wood carvings and information about saints are available at www.perathoner.com/en/saints
Wooden Nativities
Holy family nativity
Additional pictures of wood carvings, bronze and wood on steel are available at www.perathoner.com.
Sculptor Helmut Perathoner
Helmut perathoner choose this career as well, he wanted to turn his ideas into reality and proove his skills. He discovered a lot of variety in his profession which encouraged him to try out new ideas. He doesn't want to loose his artistic identity, but would still like to develop his skills. This caused him to work in a very varied way, he created sculptures out of wood, bronze, an many other different materials.
Especially when choosing the right wood, carfullness is required. The sculptor does respond to the customer's request, but when purchasing the wood, the experience and knowledge of the sculptor is essential to guarantee the successful outcome of the sculpture. Most of the sculptures Helmut Perathoner carved, are made of high quality pine or basswood.
In the recent past he portraied various religious characters in reliefs.
All of his sculptures are completely carved manually wich makes every sculptures unique. The sculptor himself values this greatly.
If requested, the sculpture is painted as well. The sculptor himself will choose the painter, who he thinks will satisfy the customer's needs.
Helmut Perathoner delivers his sculptures himself, since there's nothing more satisfying than handing over a sculpture to a happy customer.
Helmut Perathoner
sculptor and carver from Ortisei / South Tyrol
Via Rasciesa 2 - IT39046 Ortisei in Val Gardena
Tel. & Fax +39 0471 786360
E-Mail: info@perathoner.com